Tuesday, June 4, 2013

New Ideas

Some people say that bullfrogs should be killed, because they are endangering the security of other species. Some others don't agree with this ideas, they rather create a  system where there reproduction can be controlled and where all species are protected and respected.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Role of people in the society to control the species

People should be familiarized with the Bull Frog to be able to distinguish it from others and hunt it when they have the chance. The bull frog could help the country to improve its economy if people focus on its comercialization, taking into account that there is a great amount of  Lythobates catebeianus all over the countries of South America, people also can stimulate hunting practices for local consumption.

Strategies developed to control de species:

• The government prohibited the cultivation of this species.
• The government has to actively monitor the expantion of the species, following the advice of experts.
• The experts need to have a fixed space in wetlands and potential areas for observation and data collection.
• Do long-term monitoring and develop ecological studies to determine the effects of the bullfrog.
Role of people in the society to control the species:

Thursday, May 23, 2013


Inicio SAGARPA. Rana Toro, la proteína del Futuro. Retrieved from http://www.sagarpa.gob.mx/delegaciones/NuevoLeon/boletines/Paginas/B29112012.aspx>
Globedia - Noticias de Colombia hoy. Rana Toro. Retrieved from http://co.globedia.com/rana-toro

AUPEC Agencia Unversitaria de Periodismo Científico y Cultural / Universidad del Valle / Calli, Colombia. Ciencia al Día. Retrieved from http://aupec.univalle.edu.co/informes/diciembre97/boletin56/ranatoro.html

Rana toro. (2011, 05 29). Retrieved from http://co.globedia.com/rana-toro 

Biota Colombiana. Especial Simposio de Especies Invasoras. Volume: 12, Number: 2. 2/07/2011. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Controvertial Questions

Is it fair to protect other species from death by killing this one? 
If they are well controlled, can they improve Colombia's environment?

Factors that make this species threaten the environments

• They compete for space and food. 
• They tolerate and spread the fungus batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, so other species get affected.
• They don't have a predator (they are not tasty for other species). 
• They eat other amphibeans, like frogs.
• They eat insects, fish and rats.
• They are not easily controled because they have a large amount of offspring when they reproduce, they are strong in many climates, and Colombian climate (without seasons) is perfect for them to survive and reproduce.