Monday, May 20, 2013


Role of the species on the environment: 
United States: They compete and they often exterminate native species. They are adapted to Humedals, but the seasons in the United states are a way to control them because the environment is not humid and optimus during all the year. 
Colombia: They are aggressive and they often exterminate species (like other anphibians, little mammals, insects, among others) as they did on their native environment (United States). In Colombia, it is harder to control the species because there are no seasons. They threaten the biodiversity of the environments due to their competition for tospace and food. They are very strong, because bigger predators dislike their meat, because it has an ugly flavor for them, so they have optimus conditions to live and reproduce. Colombia is a very favorable place where these frogs can live.



  1. this ispecie should be trabsferred to other countries or a refuge but we should limit its interaction in our environment and avoid contact with species.
    -how to control the specie
